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DocsRunning BracketConfiguration



Copy ci.env to prod.env and fill in the values:

  • PG_DSN: The URL of the PostgreSQL database
  • JWT_SECRET: Create a random secret using openssl rand -hex 32
  • CORS_ORIGINS and CORS_ORIGIN_REGEX: Specify allowed frontend domain names for CORS (see the FastAPI docs)
  • ADMIN_EMAIL and ADMIN_PASSWORD: The credentials of the admin user, which is created when initializing the database
  • SENTRY_DSN: The Sentry DSN for monitoring and error tracking
  • BASE_URL: The base url of the API used for SSO
  • ALLOW_USER_REGISTRATION: Can be used to disallow user registration in the web app, currently used for production while bracket is still in beta
  • ALLOW_INSECURE_HTTP_SSO: Should not be used in production. Allows use of INSECURE requests for SSO auth.
  • AUTO_RUN_MIGRATIONS: Whether to run (alembic) migrations automatically on startup or not. Migrations can be applied manually using pipenv run alembic upgrade head.

Backend: Example configuration file

This is an example of how the config file should look like:

PG_DSN='postgresql://bracket_ci:bracket_ci@localhost:5532/bracket_ci' JWT_SECRET='60eed5c5dc7a919b8595a23d6c42ddd8274e4feea651dc028d9bee495bbb9acd' CORS_ORIGINS='' CORS_ORIGIN_REGEX='https://.*\.vercel\.app' ADMIN_EMAIL='' ADMIN_PASSWORD='some unused password' SENTRY_DSN='my sentry dsn' ALLOW_USER_REGISTRATION=false ALLOW_INSECURE_HTTP_SSO=false CAPTCHA_SECRET='xxx' AUTO_RUN_MIGRATIONS=true


  • NEXT_PUBLIC_HCAPTCHA_SITE_KEY: The HCaptcha key used for captcha challenges when creating new accounts. You get the secret when you create a new site in HCaptcha.
  • NEXT_PUBLIC_API_BASE_URL: The base URL of the backend API to which the frontend sends requests. For example:
  • ANALYTICS_DATA_DOMAIN: The data-domain attribute passed to the script for Plausible analytics
  • ANALYTICS_DATA_WEBSITE_ID: The data-website-id attribute passed to the script for Umami analytics
  • ANALYTICS_SCRIPT_SRC: The URL to the script for analytics purposes.

Frontend: Example configuration file

You can store the config in .env.local (as described in the Next docs).

This is an example of how the config file should look like:

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